Over the past 26 years at The Gatehouse, we have facilitated adult peer facilitator training for hundreds of people. Every training event begins with a guided imagery focusing on the experience of kindness: The guided imagery is as follows: "
Close your eyes or if you prefer, leave them open and focus on a point on the floor in front of you.
Provide attention to your breathing in and out slowly at your own pace.
Now allow an image, memory, thought to surface of you offering an act of kindness or receiving an Act of Kindness.
Take notice of what is transpiring in this moment of kindness: what do you notice with your feelings, your body, your thoughts. Just allow that experience to be there with you for the next two minutes.
Now take in a pleasing breath in and out, and another in and out. Open your eyes if they are closed and take a moment to write out briefly what you just experienced.
Once they have made a few notes about their experience, everyone is invited to share what took place. Invariably there is a heightened energy in the room, a deep connection is created among the participants on a number of levels, symbolic of key elements essential to the work of transformative social change.
This SIMPLE mindfulness exercises widens Spiritual Gateways as laid out in Dynamic Balance.
So today we are asking you to participate in a Call to Kindness. We are inviting you to engage in an Intentional Act of Kindness before the day is over. And we would love to hear from you about your experience. It is our belief that Kindness in its many iterations is a deeply powerful element that is essential to addressing the chaos that seems so present in our world today. Your stories of kindness will be celebrated in our next newsletter. As always if you have any questions just let us know.
With deep gratitude.